Multiple Intelligence

Multiple Intelligence

Based on Howard Gardner's 'Theory of Multiple Intelligences'. Various activities during the program nudge participants to practice and develop their multiple intelligences.

Scientifically Designed

Scientifically Designed, by Educationists, Child Psychologists, Veterans who have displayed exemplary leadership in uniform & Industry Leaders.

Practical Application

Classroom Learning is repeatedly reinforced by real-life application in classroom and other spheres of life. Shared experiences multiply learning factor.

Personalized Feedback

Each participant receives individual report and detailed feedback on leadership qualities and performance. A suggested action plan is shared for development.


Learning doesn't end. Participant are provided coaching and guidance throughout the program. As follow-up, Mentoring is provided post completion of the program.

Professional Certificate

To mark successful completion of program, participants receive a professional certificate, recognized by department of education and vocational training.

Augmenting Education
With Life Skills required for Success.

Leadership skills are important for self-development, to prepare children for Future.
“Transform” is aimed at developing Leadership & Life Skills amongst teens to enable & empower them; to overcome the challenges of academic and professional world; to be Better and Self-aware individuals and succeed in various spheres of life.

Program Benefits

Positive Change

Positive Change

Positive Change by practical implementation and regular feedback
Better Communication

Better Communication

Better communication and collaboration by working in new teams
Time Management

Time Management

Higher productivity by better time management and clear priorities
Self Awareness


Greater Self-awareness of own abilities and increased confidence
Social Skills

Social Skills

Enhanced social & interpersonal skills, and meaningful interaction
Problem Solving

Problem Solving

Superior Problem Solving skills & logical Decision Making abilities

What Participants Say?

What Parents Say?

News Coverage

Article in Khaleej Times

Khaleej Times News Article